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Uterine Fibroids Cause Fatigue By Causing Anemia: You Can Fix This

Many women with uterine fibroids complain of fatigue. Uterine fibroids cannot affect your hormones, and they might be causing pain and pressure symptoms that can wear you down, but it's really the anemia that causes fatigue. Anemia is a common consequence of uterine fibroids and irregular bleeding because of these fibroids.
Regardless of symptoms people with anemia should be treated. So those with heavy periods should have a blood count to see if they are anemic or not.
In many women correction of the bleeding, or treatment of uterine fibroids corrects the associated anemia. Particularly if the anemia is modest and your diet is rich in foods that contain iron.

In some women, their iron stores become so depleted that the anemia cannot correct easily. If you have various GI conditions or 'stomach issues' it may make oral iron tough to tolerate, and other treatments are possible.

In women facing uterine fibroid surgery the correction of anemia should ideally be done before the surgery if having a hysterectomy or myomectomy.

In women who have to have surgery correction of anemia by taking oral iron can work to bring the blood counts to normal. Blood testing of the response to your iron treatment is possible to do.

Diet that is deficient in B vitamins or other nutrients may make correction of anemia harder.

Intravenous iron is a rapid and successful way to raise the blood count for women facing surgery. It may take three infusions per week for three weeks. In research studies the count was raised by oral iron less than one hemoglobin point during three weeks, but by 3 points if iv iron infusions were given.

Epoetin can be given weekly and it increases the hemoglobin concentration about double what you can accomplish with oral iron given over the three week period of time in research settings

Correction of anemia before surgery, and decreased blood loss during surgery with minimally invasive techniques helps you get back to work and recover faster from uterine fibroid surgery at Women’s Health Practice.


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