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You Have an IUD: But a Positive Pregnancy Test

Fortunately IUD pregnancy failures are rare. But if you have an IUD for contraception, and you get a positive pregnancy test, you probably ask yourself, what next? Well, make your gyno appointment promptly, this is a condition that is not typically an emergency, but it can be and it’s not handled over the phone or on a blog, or through self diagnosis! That being said, some researchers from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas decided to look back at over 4100 women who had IUDs and of those 42 cases who became pregnant in their institution, over about a year period of time, to help understand what these women could expect when they got to their gyno and what actually happened to their pregnancies. Accurate pregnancy diagnosis, pelvic examination, and pelvic ultrasound were the cornerstones of the evaluations. They had very specific ways they looked at their ultrasound to prove there was no pregnancy in the fallopian tube, or partially in the fallopian tube. IUDs are considered in place if both arms of the upper portion of the IUD are located in the mid to upper region of the uterus. Their group was heavily weight towards ParaGard IUDs. A very few of the patients were lost to follow up, a very few had miscarriages and only three were treated as tubal pregnancies.  Bleeding was the most common symptom for these women. It was 3 times more likely to become pregnant if the IUD was poorly positioned in the uterus. In many cases when a woman is found to be pregnant with an IUD, the IUD has already been expelled, and in most if found, it can be easily removed. About ¾ of the women were able to carry to term, even women who have an IUD that cannot be removed, can most likely go on to term, as only about half of the IUDs were able to be removed during the ongoing pregnancy. This did however leave about ¼ women with an IUD that lost their pregnancy before 20 weeks. Women with their IUD out of position were just a bit more likely to have some pain, but it wasn’t actually statistically significant in this study. So to summarize, IUDs are still thought of as excellent contraception, and are right for many women, here's a tool to work through to help women still considering IUDs to think about it. However, for women who do become pregnant with an IUD, you need to see your gyno, your IUD most likely will be able to be removed, and the pregnancy will most likely be able to continue on to full term without complications from the IUD.Other causes of tubal pregnancy can be infections in the fallopian tubes and smoking, smoking doubles the risk of tubal pregnancy.


  1. Im two Weeks late. Pregnancy test iS positive. I've had the iud over two years. Can I be pregnant?

  2. The reader asks if it is possible to have an IUD contraceptive failure two years after insertion, and the answer is yes. As this post says this is something to confirm with your own gynecologist so that you can get appropriate care for your situation. Home pregnancy tests are very accurate and, as their literature will tell you, they are most often right.

  3. I am 10 days late and all the pregnancy tests say negative. I've had my IUD in for approx. 2 yrs. Should I see my doctor as well?

    1. I had the mirena iud in for almost a year and last February I went to er for horrible stomach pain and huge blood clots. The didddifferent ultra sounds and blood work. I was pregnant and didn't know it and I miss carried. I was admitted to the hospital. They called my ob. He said wasn't possible. They called in tiffin ob and she said it was possible but since miscarried couldn't tell how far along.
      now its December I'm having stomach pains but no bleeding. I'm actually a little over a week late for my period. I have the mirena iud and my ob gave me birth control to take also. I took a home pregnancy test and it's a faded positive. But I'm only a little over a week late. My of really doesn't believe it's possible to get pregnant on it. He also believes I'm to young to get my tubes tied even though I have 4 kids 6,5,4, and almost 2 the 6 and 5 year old have the same birthday. Should I wait a week and take a test or go to ob agian. I love my of but I hate his views on the mirena. There really isn't any other on doctors to switch too unless want to drive to Tim buck two.
      Is it possible to be pregnant agian with mirena and birth control pills
      should I wait a week and take a different test
      should I go to hospital
      should I go to ob even though he doesn't believe possible

  4. Pregnancy testing is very reliable on home tests, and there are posts about some of the considerations regarding those tests. For women who are not pregnat we do recommend patients being seen after missing at least 2 cycles if there are no other medical factors. For women with an IUD that is a Mirena absence of periods is normal, but with ParaGard may want to see their health care provider to make sure their test was accurate. Medically most women do not need treatment for a single missed period.

    1. i have had 25 positive pg test over the last 5 months i have the mirana but had blood drawn 4 time an its neg but still haveing positive test at home does anybody have an idea of wat could b causeing it

  5. My IUD is a copper IUD and I have never missed my period. I am cramping a little bit, dizziness, nauseated, headaches, very tired and extremely irritable.

  6. Women should rely on medical tests and examinations by their health care provider for a firm diagnosis of pregnancy. Although symptoms such as the reader describes: dizziness, nausea, headaches, and cramping may make you suspicious of a pregnancy, the symptoms cannot confirm the diagnosis.

  7. I got a positive home test when to the emergency came up in urine negative and blood negative got the iud for 2 years and a half what i should i do

  8. When patients have had one positive test and then another negative they may have only had a chemical pregnancy, in other words one that never went on to be a full formed pregnancy. Other women have had false tests. Repeat pregnancy tests, either home or blood in your gynecologists office, are important to be sure that an early developing pregnancy is not missed. At Women's Health Practice we take walk-in patients daily for these tests. 217-356-3736.

  9. I had my iud removed November 22, 2012
    I haven't had a period since. I took 2 pregnancy tests on December 19th and they both came out positive. Could I be pregnant so soon?

  10. A reader asks about getting pregnant quickly after IUD removal. Intrauterine devices are excellent for pregnancy spacing because return of fertility is quite rapid with removal in most cases. Neither IUD available in the US affects ovulation and thus women can become pregnant rapidly after removal. It is important to remember, if you are stopping an IUD therefore, you need to get on other contraception if you don't want to be pregnant quickly.

  11. Help I have had the IUD for 4 yrs now . I took a test it came back positive . I call my doctor they gave me blood test . can I be come pregnant even after 4 yrs . I'm so lost . I have all symptoms of pregnancy .

  12. IUD failures are the most common in the first year, but there is always a remote possibility of failure. Women with confirmed positive pregnancy tests are indeed pregnant, but they need to see their gynecologist to determine the health and status of that pregnancy if they have an IUD still.

  13. I've had my iud for about a year I took two pregnancy tests both positive am I really pregnant or the notes can make the hpt read positive

  14. Ive had my iud for about 2 months. Havent had my period so i started to wonder. I took a test and its positive? Am i really pregnant? Or could it be a false positive?

  15. Since the ParaGard IUD releases no hormones, it is not possible for the Paragard to cause a false positive pregnancy test. Read your package insert on the test you bought, and it can tell you the things that interfere with the interpretation of that test. And for those with an IUD plus a positive pregnancy test need to be seen by their gyno right away. At Women's Health Practice we do get referred these cases on a regular basis and would be happy to consult. 217-356-3736.

    1. i have the mirana birth control but hav had 25 positive pg test n the last 5 months an took 3 more this morning an they were positive but had my blood drawd 4 times an its neg wat could cause all these positive test

    2. i have the mirana birth control but hav had 25 positive pg test n the last 5 months an took 3 more this morning an they were positive but had my blood drawd 4 times an its neg wat could cause all these positive test

  16. My girlfriend has had an IUD FOR 14 months. We had unprotected sex two days ago and now she is having her typical period symptoms nine days early. Is there cause to be concerned?

  17. Early menstrual period can be a sign of a pregnancy but usually is not. This can occur whether the patient has an IUD or not. Whenever there is a suspected pregnancy you should run an over the counter pregnancy test or contact your gynecologist for a blood test.

  18. I had my Marina iud fitted November 13th 2012... I had a normal cycle in December and nothing since..which is unusual considering I was told my cycle wouldn't stop as my monthly was so heavy and awful.. Sorry for TMI. I have had pregnancy symptoms, could it really be possible that I am pregnant?

  19. It is important for women with pregnancy symptoms to get a pregnancy test to confirm whether they are pregnant or not. Women can have pregnancy symptoms from hormonal changes, medication side effects, or, in rare cases, from psychological causes. But for readers with an IUD, it's important to get that test, and if your pregnancy symptoms persist, even with a negative test, see your gynecologist. We welcome new patients at Women's Health Practice.

  20. So i hv mirena and been hvng unprotected sex for about 6 months. i had my last period the week beginning on the first. ive been experiencing lowback pain exhaustion headaches and flutters through my abdomen.. two days ago i started hvng brown blood when i wiped which has since turned to red blood. i took two hpt w very faint positives and my period isnt due. i hv a constant cramp going on and constipated. any suggestions??

  21. When a woman gets a faint positive on a home pregnancy test she has to regard this as positive and she is urged to see her gynecologist to get confirmatory testing. At Women's Health Practice we would also suspect tubal pregnancy if a woman has an IUD and a positive pregnancy test until we can confirm that in fact there is either no pregnancy or a pregnancy in the uterus. If a pregnancy is discovered in woman with an IUD we would suggest that the IUD should try to be removed.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm not sure why you would suspect the ectopic pregnancy given that the chances of having one even for women with an IUD is very low, only 6%. On the following site with research that I think it would be a relief to read for those of you looking for statistical research and answers, it is stated that only 6% of women who get pregnant with an IUD have an ectopic pregnancy. So, while the chance of ectopic pregnancy is higher in IUD pregnancies, they still represent a minority of IUD pregnancies. Check out this site if you are interested:

  22. This is the only place where I have got real answer. I had a miscarriage around this time last year. So I got an iud back in Jan so I thought I couldn't get pregent. I have had heart burn headace throwing up . Toke an at home test postive went to the dotors they toke two blood test but are negative.. I know my body i don't know what to think am I crazy

  23. Ive had the paraguard iud for about 2 years but today is the 21 and i havent got my period i feel like ive gained weight could i be pregnant or should i wait till the end of the month maybe my period will come

  24. I have paragard and this month my period was a week early and very light now I have sore breast and some cramping could I be pregnant ?

  25. We recommend running an over the counter pregnancy test when you have a late period plus symptoms of pregnancy. Four counseling regarding problem pregnancies schedule an appointment at Women's Health Practice 217-356-3736

  26. I have been on mirena for over two years now with normal periods each month. This last month my period and/ or spotting started a week early and I continue to have very light spotting now on day 10. Should I be concerned?

  27. Missed menstrual periods are the most common sign of pregnancy, but irregular bleeding and bleeding between menstrual periods can also be a sign of pregnancy. It is important to run a pregnancy test if you have new onset of irregular bleeding.

  28. I've had a lot of drastic changes to my body recent;y, as I've just started taking weight loss supplements, working out and altering my diet. I've had a Paraguard for 3 months now, but instead of having a period this month, I've been spotting lightly for about 5 days now. Digital pregnancy test was negative.

    Not sure what to think. If it's because of the supplements or if my IUD has failed.

    Please advise!

  29. Weight loss, supplements and stress can affect the pituitary and ovarian hormones and therefore alter ovulation and affect menstrual cycles. This may occur whether or not a woman has a ParaGard IUD. For women who do not have any bleeding for 3 months they need to be seen by their gynecologist to determine both a cause and whether treatment is indicated. If a woman suddenly has a normal period after 3 months, most likely the gynecologist will select to observe and not treat, but it depends upon the case.

    1. I have had a copper iud for almost 7 years today I took a pregnancy test due to feeling pregnancy systems. It came back positive. I did not believe it!!!! So I headed out a bought a few more cheap ones. Both came back positive, but still I was like theirs just no way so I once again went out and bought two more pregnancy test these being more expensive, thinking some how it would make a difference, but no they was just the same as the cheap ones Positive. I tell my husband and two daughters, their happy. While I'm still in complete shock. I got the copper iud cause the chance are very slim and it also last for 10 years I figured in that time frame we decided not to have another baby, when the time was up for it to get tooken out instead of getting another one, I would get my tubes tied. I did not plain on having another child and I just assumed after all these years I would still be protected. I know my kid is still in place and has not moved exe

    2. I have had a copper iud for almost 7 years today I took a pregnancy test due to feeling pregnancy systems. It came back positive. I did not believe it!!!! So I headed out a bought a few more cheap ones. Both came back positive, but still I was like theirs just no way so I once again went out and bought two more pregnancy test these being more expensive, thinking some how it would make a difference, but no they was just the same as the cheap ones Positive. I tell my husband and two daughters, their happy. While I'm still in complete shock. I got the copper iud cause the chance are very slim and it also last for 10 years I figured in that time frame we decided not to have another baby, when the time was up for it to get tooken out instead of getting another one, I would get my tubes tied. I did not plain on having another child and I just assumed after all these years I would still be protected. I know my kid is still in place and has not moved exe

  30. I've had the copper coil nearly a year now, I started my period three days ago it has gradually got alot heavier and now im losing clots of blood, I feel sick and having flutters in my stomach down the left side, me and my partner went for a meal yesterday 15 mins later I had a sinking feeling as if I was going to faint, my stomach was in agony so we had to leave I gothome and had to lay down, woke up this morning and I had gone through a tampon and a sanitary towel, I still feel really sick and still getting the flutters and hot sweats, could this be a miscarriage? I haven't done a home pregnancy test yet.

  31. I'm really confused!!! Went to the doctor today and to get the copper IUD removed. When I got there I asked for a pregnancy test cause first day of last period was 5 weeks ago. The doctor comes in and says urine test had a faint line and I was pregnant. He sends me to the hospital to get a blood test today and said he wants another done same time Saturday. Well I go do the one today and doctor calls and says blood test is negative!!!! Then tells me I'm not pregnant! I'm so confused right now!!! What is going on? Am I or not? Whats the odds that I got a false positive? Or could the positive be right and I got a false negative on the blood work? Your input would be great...I'm so confused!!

  32. Yes, some pregnancy tests can be wrong. Just one pregnancy test is usually all you need to determine an early pregnancy but they can be false positive or false negative. Gynecologists rely the most on blood pregnancy tests over urine tests. The package insert of the urine test gives a list of things that can interfere with the test results. And then there are the cases where the urine is more accurate as well. This post talks about some of the rare discrepancies.

  33. i have been pregnant on the paragard before(4yrs ago)..i miscarried. I had the iud for 5Yrs before i had become pregnant now I've had this paragard for 4yrs and I've missed my period which i never do. Im forever on time but i took a home test it read not pregnant should i bo. seen at my doctor just wait it out

  34. A change in menstrual cycles, whether you are on an IUD, a pill, or not on contraception is worth notifying your gynecologist's office. Then depending upon your history, and your goals, your personal health care provider can recommend the appropriate strategy going forward.

  35. My girlfriiend have her period finish 2 days ago and she was at class when she black out for a second, she went to the doctor and got a positive urine Test but she have in the copper T how is that possible, she is 3 months pregnant and see her period every month, can I get help to find out wants taking place

  36. Women with a pregnancy and an IUD need to see a specialist (Board Certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist is what we have in the US) to see if the IUD can be removed. If the pregnancy is 3 months along then the discussion has to be whether to continue the pregnancy with the IUD or to not continue the pregnancy. In many cases the pregnancy can be safely continued. But this has to be done with special consultation. We see patients at Women's Health Practice, 217-356-3736. Thanks.

  37. Had paraguard inserted two weeks ago had a horribly heavy period and my hubs and I had sex now I have backache cramping and a severe headache is it possible we could be pregnant my strings are also shorter and I have lots of discharge

  38. At Women's Health Practice it is routine to take a pregnancy test prior to IUD insertion. For others who did not have that test, urinary pregnancy tests can help determine pregnancy. Women who notice changes in string length with their IUDs are encouraged to come in for evaluation to make sure the IUD is properly seated within the uterus.

  39. I have had the paraguard since Feb 2012 periods on time every month. Now I'm 6 days late. Yesterday I had sever stomach pains like I was being stabbed I was almost in tears still not feeling to good stomach is still upset like a girggling fluttering feeling feel nauses and run down. I felt my cervix it feels low and strings are long. Should I be concerned? I just turned 30 this month and I have 4 kids I wouldn't mind having another if I am knocked up! :-) thanks in advance

  40. IUD string length can indicate IUD placement. If strings are suddenly feeling longer it might be that the device has dislodged. Your gynecologist can determine this more accurately on a pelvic exam or an ultrasound test. Use a back up method of contraception until it is determined if you are protected against pregnancy.

  41. Hello there. I got my IUD placed in February. I stopped nursing the beginning of September. I never experienced any bleeding until I started becoming sexually active once again in early Oct(only had spotting for a few days after intercorse) I did two dollar store pregnancy tests which both showed the most faint positive(like hold up to the light faint) and like two days after my second positive I started bleeding. Its been almost 2 weeks and I am still bleeding bright red and kind of fowl smelling(sorry for tmi) and to top it off breasts are leaking a little. I dont know what to think or do:-( could I be pregnant?? Could I have lost it? I have had 3 full term and one Still birth. I'm beyond myself at this point. Advice??

  42. Women with an IUD and any positive pregnancy test need to see their gynecologist. It is possible that there is a miscarriage when the tests were positive and now negative. It is possible the pregnancy was just a chemical pregnancy. It is also possible that there is an ectopic pregnancy, and only an examination would determine if that is what is going on.

  43. Hello there, I have had the ParaGard IUD in for 5 1/2 years now. I took a HPT 3 days ago simply because something was telling me I should do so. The test came back positive, however, the line was extremely faint. I went ahead and took another HPT the next morning assuming the urine would be more accurate. Again, the test came back positive, but this time the line was even more faint. I really doubted the test and went on about my business for the next couple of days. Then, it started dawning on me that I should probably not ignore this, seeing as I have an IUD in place. I was worried if I am pregnant, what are the risks. So, I set an appointment with my OB/GYN, which isn't for another week. That being said, here's the kicker.... I took the test(s) 10 days before my pissed period. Is it at all possible to get a fasle positive test? I've never heard of someone detecting pregnancy so early on. Any feed back would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance. :)

  44. False positive pregnancy tests are possible, the package insert of the pregnancy test you are using should describe reasons for the test to be wrong. Some fun reasons boys and grandmas have false positive tests are in the following post:
    At Women's Health Practice we can often provide lab testing in advance of the actual appointment so that there is no delay in diagnosis for those in our practice. So maybe a call back to your gyno office is indicated if you have an IUD and a positive pregnancy test.

  45. Okay, I will look into it and try to schedule blood work soon.Thank you!

  46. I have a cooper IUD period is 3 days late neg home pregnancy test im never late. and since i missed my period when i have sex afterward i have two drop of pinkish blood. whats going on with me??

  47. Delayed or missed menstrual cycles have many causes. Bleeding after intercourse also has many causes, and neither of these conditions is necessarily related to the other. It would be important to see your own gynecologist if these symptoms continue.

  48. Hello, My partner has had the Mirena for 5 years now and recently shes been having some pregnancy symptoms: nausea, vomiting, fever, headaches, tireness. She bougth a home pregnancy test and it showed a very fainted positive line. We inmediately went to the doctor and tried a urine test, twice, which came out negative. Im confused.. what are the possibilities that she might not really be pregnant? Is there such thing as a false pregnancy test result by having the MIrena inside? What are the risks she has by getting pregnant with the mirena still in her?

  49. Urine pregnancy tests are very accurate but they are a test of hormone level, and cannot determine that a healthy continuing pregnancy is developing in the uterus. We have written on the differences between blood and urine pregnancy tests in this post
    There are factors that interfere with urine tests, but having an IUD should not interfere with the accuracy of the pregnancy test.

    1. I have had my iud in 5 years never have missed a period iam now a week and 3 days late. The iud has expired but I was told by the doc I could leave it in until 6-7 yrs I took 3 home test all came back negative should I be worried that iam or can my iud just change after 5 yrs

  50. hello i have had the paragar iud for6 and a half years ive always had regualer period well at least gotten them around the same time everymonth . I am late i usually start around the 15 of the month it is now the 6-3-14 getting closer to a month later i have had pain during sex and a little bit if cramping could i really be pregnant after 6 years of my iud with no prior problems

  51. Hello. I've only had the paragard in for about 6 months. I'm normally very steady with my AF. I'm currently 11 days late, have bloating (I can normally suck in my stomach really well and I can't even move it in an inch) , nausea, very tired all the time, and have been eating/drinking more. My HPT was negative, and my gyn wants me to wait another cycle to see if I miss again. Did I test too early? Can a paragard cause a false HPT?

  52. IUDs have not been known to alter the results of a pregnancy test. We suggest using blood tests for the most accurate pregnancy tests.

    1. Anonymous follow-up:I went to my GYN yesterday for a checkup from the symptoms. I've been spotting since then and cramping. My GYN has referred me for a CT scan and blood work, but is not checking for pregnancy. Can a CT scan detect ectopic pregnancy?

  53. I have had my paraguard in for nine months and have never been late or early or spotted between cycles. Well for about a week i started spotting had pregnancy symptoms and came back with a negative home test then i started bleeding heavy and passing a lot of tissue and some of the tissue had a yellow ball in it. Also the discharge has an earthysmell to it sort of like the smell discharge has after u have a baby. Could this have been a miscarriage?

  54. Even recent miscarried pregnancies would have blood test levels that could confirm or refute the diagnosis of miscarriage in a case where the patient is unsure if she was ever pregnant.

  55. I did one round of the depo shot and when I went in for my second shot I opted for the mirena. The doc said my time left on the shot would cover me. I did as instructed and nothing was inserted 24 hours after placement. I have bled ever since insertion. It has been a week and a half since placement and I am experiencing hot flashes and nausea. I've thrown up three times in the past two days. Is this normal? Should I take a test?

  56. Taking a pregnancy test can answer questions about pregnancy, and women should use them if they have suspicious symptoms. Bleeding after hormonal IUD insertion is common, and not usually a sign of pregnancy. Prior hormonal use doesn't consistently prevent bleeding with new IUD use, but for anyone with systemic symptoms as well as bleeding, they need to be seen by their gynecologist.

  57. I have had my IUD for four years. Lately I have been feeling off and not my self. I have two children and know what its like to be pregnant, so I took several test. I got one faint positive and three negative readings. I am also spotting. Could I be pregnant?

  58. Often it is confusing if that home pregnancy test just shows a very faint line. In fact that faint line is probably accurate, but won't prove yet you have a healthy on going pregnancy. This is why repeat testing over several days. Repeat testing that becomes positive more clearly on the hone test is likely accurate. If the repeat testing is negative the test was either a false positive, ore the pregnancy likely miscarried. This is a good time to consult your personal gynecologist.

  59. I had a iud paragard had it took out on 7-15-14. 9-14 Would have mad 5yrs my cycle was like 7-3-14 to the 9th had sex on 7-19-14 start spotting on and off and cramping 7-25-14 to like the 30th then a lil heavy bleeding for 3days and. now still cramping like my cycle going to come right back with sore nipple and back pain and feel sick what u think

  60. Some pain and bleeding associated with IUD removal is common, but can also be signs of infection or other medical issue and should be a reason to contact your gynecologist for consultation.

  61. I had my iud removed on July 15 took a pregnancy test on August 8th it was positive. On August 10th I had a lot of cramps back pain it was horrible. The same night as the 10th I had a watery discharge with blood. I know I had a chemical miscarriage but when can I start trying to conceive again? I never had a miscarriage before I'm scared the iud messed me up for good!

  62. When to begin trying for pregnancy after birth, a preterm delivery, a miscarriage or a termination depends on many factors. These factors include your mental as well as physical preparedness. Generally speaking, if you are healthy, and special gynecologic factors women who have had a pregnancy end after the first trimester they can begin trying within the next 1-3 months. For women who had a full term pregnancy , physicians will recommend birth spacing 6-18 months. It is really a discussion between you and your physician.

  63. I've had my IUD paragard for almost 9 years. Last month my period was super light and only lasred for three days (all of which is not normal). Lately, I've been constantly mildly nauseous and my appetite has increased. Could after having my IUD for almost 9 years be no longer affective?

  64. ParaGard IUDs are approved in the US for 10 years of use. Consult your gynecologist as to when to discontinue, or receive your next IUD.

  65. I know that you have to wait the 7 days in order to have sex if the Nexplanon wasn't inserted 1-5 days of your menstual cycle. I had protected sex on the 8th day after my insertion and unprotected sex five days after that. The only thing im getting is spotting and brown discharge going on three weeks now. I know they say after the 7th day you should be protected. Can I be pregnant? Should I take a pregnancy test?

  66. Take a home pregnancy test whenever you have had unprotected sex or unusual bleeding. If you still suspect you are pregnant, see your gynecologist for a blood pregnancy test. For women over the age of 40, having no menstrual periods, you may also want to get checked for menopause.

  67. Okay thank you. Do you think there is a chance that I could be pregnant since I waited the 7 days and he didn't ejaculate inside of me?

  68. Ive been with my partner over 6 years. Have a 4yrs old child. IUD insertion 3 years ago (Aug 2011) its the plastic IUD one Mirena, and had unprotected sex for two years now. Currently im over 7 days late on my cycle. Sometimes happens so no cause for concern. However, with that, I've had lower abdominal cramping (I keep thinking im going to start soon b/c its how it starts) but its more bothersome than usual. I've had lower back pain for over a week. Ive been very tired and headaches lately even though I take Iron medication everyday. Two days ago I've had discharge from my nipple which never happened before (This stopped long after breastfeeding 2 1/2 years ago) so it was now a concern. I needed my partners help locating my IUD strings b/c I couldnt and they seem to be higher up than usual. Can i be pregnant? If the IUD is still in can I still be pregnant? What are all the possible factors that it could be based on what I told you?
    I have a dr. apt. next week and the suspense is now killing me since the nipple discharge.

  69. Pregnancy symptoms, timing of intercourse, type of contraception and your medical history can all give a hint as to the likelihood that a woman is pregnant. But ultimately it is a medical diagnosis that has to be made on examination with appropriate testing, not just on assumptions. Women with pain, or unusual bleeding need to be evaluated promptly whether they have an IUD or not, so that appropriate therapy can be recommended.

  70. Since the Mirena IUD has hormones it may disrupt the menstrual cycle, but if your cycles have been regular in spite of an IUD and now you are late, it is a reason to test for pregnancy.

  71. Well I have the Nexplanon. I have been gaining weight but not a lot. I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative.

  72. Weight gain has so many factors other than pregnancy, if weight gain is your only symptom and the pregnancy test is negative you are not likely pregnant. It's important to be able to get help with nutrition and weight management by your primary care physician.

  73. Had my first iud inserted last month on the 26th... was having premenstrual symptoms days before.... was expecting period between 30th and 3rd of october... started spotting light pinkish brown on 28-29th and bleed a little heavier on 30th but still alot lighter than normal period. I have bleeding ever sinced some days lighter than others.. ive also almost 3 times within last two weeks that I found thick fleshy tissue on my panty liner and when I wipe a pinkish brown mucus. I also been very tired and crampy.. increased appetite and back pains.. boobs have also felt fuller... and been continuously bloated. I have taken a few pregnancy test in last few weeks and have all came out negative.. last test was taken on 4th or 5th of this month. Should I try again? Ive take n the ept, should I try a different text? Could the hormones in my mirena be affecting my results? I currently dont have insurance so I have been going to plan parenthood. How can I convince them to give me a blood test? Or ultrasound? I just really afraid theyre gonna brush it off and say its normal... when somethan really dosent feel right and its causing me to panic... I already have two children so im aware of pregnancy symptoms.

  74. Medical testing is the most helpful when part of medical care, consultation, and specifically in context. We can suggest tests, women can desire certain tests, but ultimately, it is important to trust your health care provider to order testing for you that is appropriate.

  75. I had my iud inserted 2n half years bak... had unprotected sex since then... my period is late .. now 13 days late... maximum late till now was 10days... I hav lower abdominal pain... nt exactly pain .. its bothersome.... also my nipple is painin when touched... took a home pregnancy test when 10 days late... now 13 n counting...any chance I can be pregnant...

  76. Home pregnancy tests are accurate, but blood tests are generally better. It is important to remember that you should always consult your gynecologist when you have new symptoms that are persisting.

  77. I have had my paragard for about 3 months, and I have always had very regular 30 day cycles with heavy flows lasting 4 and a half days. Last month my period was 6 days late and lasted 2 days. This month I am 12 days late, I haven't had any spotting whatsoever. I took a home pregnancy test last month that was negative, I have also taken 3 this month which were also negative. I am also having a "full" feeling in my uterus that I had with my other three children. Could the copper iud cause a false negative? Is there any chance I'm late because of the iud?

  78. Paragard IUDs are not hormonal and thus cannot disrupt the actual menstrual cycle events such as ovulation and the start of the menstrual period. For women on prior hormones, stopping oral contraceptives can lead to a change in the menses.

  79. Hello I have a mirenia now for 4 years. My period is one late day I almost get my period on time even with the iud. But for the pass week I been having waves of nausea on and off a lot of cramps, breast is tender sometimes more tender then sometimes just a little. Yesterday I had some brown discharge like once or two when I wiped. When the nause started I took a preg test like 8 days ago by it was negavite. Can I be preg? Did I just test to early?

  80. Hi I have had the Merina coil for a year and 5 months I haven't had bleeding in a vvery long time which is normal however sometimes I think I'm pregnant and I do the test and it's always negative but this morning I had a positive result which dissappeared after 7 mins. What does that mean?

    1. Also I have been having some cramps lower back pain and feeling very tired.... Just curious to know is it possible to be pregnant? And what does the disappearing positive mean?

  81. For women wondering about pregnancy test results, take a peek around our posts about pregnancy tests, and yes, see your gynecologist if you have questions about the accuracy of home testing.

  82. All pregnancy test kits have information package inserts that explain their results and how long the 'lines' stay positive on these tests. Most kits are designed for the line to remain seen after the specified amount of time has passed, and the lines will not disappear. For questions, get your gynecologist to run their office urine kit.

  83. I got my paraguard iud august/2010 6 weeks after the birth of my 3rd child. My period is on time every month maybe a couple days off, full blown bleeding for 7 days. Never has tricked me once. This month I started very light faint bleeding like no need for a tampon or pad just when you wipe after using the bathroom you see light pink. This has happened for the last 3 days and seems today it has stopped. I took a pt this morning and it showed negative. Maybe to soon? I've got lower back pain (had that with my last 2 pregnancy) I smell thing others don't smell. Can it be I'm preggo and it's to early for the test? I may wait another week or two before contacting my doctor.

  84. In women with an IUD, back pains may be a gynecologic symptom, but it can also be a symptom of bladder or kidney infection. You would not want these types of infections to go untreated and it is best to see your health care provider to get a firm diagnosis.

  85. I've had mirena for 3 years and I've had a period every month and now I'm 4 days late, I've taken 3 pregnancy tests and they're all negative...I'm having light cramps and occasionally feeling nauseous

  86. In many cases it takes awhile for the Mirena to cause the periods to cease, and in most cases this is normal. However, pregnancy symptoms that are not due to pregnancy can have other causes, some hormonal, and some not. You should still see your gynecologist for an evaluation.

    1. so my period wouldn't gradually disappear? it just stops randomly

  87. Hello

    I have had the Paragard for about 6 months I got it a month after my son was born. ( I have never felt the strings) But I have very regular periods. On November 28th I started spotting light pink and then brown for the next 4 days. But only once a day. My period isn't due until the 9th of December. I feel very nauseous at night, I pee almost every night at 3am, I am very irritable, and i have lower back pain. Tonight I threw up and felt a little better but still nauesous. Should I test? and when should I test?

  88. Women can ovulate and conceive on any day of the menstrual cycle, although midcycle is the most common time to do this. Pregnancy tests are accurate and cost effective and women should test if they think they are having symptoms of pregnancy. The alternative is to be seen by your health care provider who can do a more comprehensive evaluation.

  89. My daughter is 16, Para Guard was the fist birth control she ever took. She had it put on a year ago. This Jan. 2015. In Aug. 4 months ago she stopped having her period, still hasn't had one, now her breast are leaking. Could she be pregnant?

  90. Leaking breasts are a medical condition called galactorrhea. Pregnancy does cause this condition and can be ruled out from a pregnancy test or evaluation from your gyneocologist. It is not uncommon from medicaitons such as oral contraceptives, but there is no known association with a copper IUD device.

  91. I have the copper iud. I usually have my period around the 18-20 of each month, but now I am 5 days late and I've been having cramping for about a week and a half and discharge which seems like ovulation.could my period just be running late?

  92. Signs and symptoms attributed to the menstrual period are just predictive, not the actual proof that menses is or will occur. For certainty you need more accurate testing, and one such test would be a urinary pregnancy test that is available over the counter. If you still are uncertain as to the nature of the signs or symptoms please consult your gynecologist.

  93. I had the copper coil fitted two weeks ago, I was on the pill up until the day I had the coil fitted so had a withdrawl bleed straight away, it's been 5 weeks since my last proper period, I was expecting to bleed again as advised, I had all my usual god awful pmt symptoms and cramping but only pinkish staining on the tissue for the last 3 days when I go to the toilet, I was expecting a heavy bleed, I've also come over faint a few times, I'd been on antibiotics for a water infection so I can't have an infection, I was wondering if the withdrawl bleed I had two weeks ago got rid of my lining and that's why I'm not bleeding when I'm due on? The coil is in place so should I be concerned?

  94. It is easy to repeat a pregnancy test if you have had an abnormal period. Patients who have a heavy period early in the cycle may not necessarily have the next menstrual period on the day expected. This would be something to check with your personal gynecologist.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. hi i had the copper coil fitted yesterday i had unprotected sex on a number of occasions throughout this month i also had unprotected sex on the day of my ovulation 5 days ago what are the chances of the egg being fertilized already before it was fitted and still ending up pregnant i am due my period in 10 days

  97. A reader wrote wondering how likely it was for her to have gotten pregnant with unprotected sex before an IUD was fitted, as she's now getting what she perceives as symptoms of pregnancy. First of all this depends on a lot of factors your own gynecologist can help you sort! On the average women have about an 8% chance of pregnancy with midcycle unprotected sex. Women also can have an early pregnancy interrupted if they get a copper IUD. Age, general fertility factors, regularity to your menstrual periods, and how well you documented ovulation can affect this. Read posts on pregnancy tests for more information, or we are happy to see new patients at

  98. Hello I have the copper iud for about 2 years now. I previously had it for 4 years and removed it to get pregnant but had a miscarriage. After the miscarriage I got the copper iud again and its almost 2 years. I always track my period and its always regular late one to two days max. I am 12 days late already and no sign of period I went to the ER and got a blood and urine test and both are negative. Can I be pregnant ?

  99. It is possible for pregnancy tests to be negative a few days post conception. Longer into the pregnancy, these tests are almost foolproof. For women who suspect they are pregnant, and have a negative pregnancy test, consider repeating the test every 2-4 days to see if it does turn positive. For those with pain, or bleeding, take your gynecologist's advice as to when to next repeat the test.

  100. Have a paragard inserted for 2 years have had unprotected sex with no consequences. Had protected sex on the 15th of last month then had my period. Wiped today and had a little pink. Do I need to worry.

  101. Often menstrual cycles begin with light bleeding or staining, but confirming you are not pregnant with a home pregnancy test is always a good idea if the menstrual period is odd.

  102. I switched from depo shot to Skyla IUD nov 14 l,2014 . Had 2 regular periods for Feb and march they last about 5 days 21 days apart. I'm about 16 days late had spotting only last yesterday. Is there a reason to be concerned for pregnancy?

  103. Skyla and Mirena medicated IUDs can be a cause of delayed menstrual periods. It is important to run a urine pregnancy test if you have any hint that this missed menses is a pregnancy. But it is not likely that delayed menses on these devices are pregnancy as their effectiveness is quite high.

  104. Hi there I have just found out I am very early in pregnancy with my copper iud very low down. I have been bleeding, not heavy but not too light. What kimd of bleeding did these women experience?

  105. The amount of bleeding in an early pregnancy cannot be diagnostic of a particular condition. For women with positive pregnancy tests and the IUD still in place, you need consultation with your personal health care provider. Even if the bleeding is light you cannot be assured that you are safe if you do not get examined. This blog is informational only. We accept new patients at

  106. iv been on the mirena for 4 years now and iv had a normal period all 4 years but this month iv been spotting for 4 days and barley enough to even use a panty liner. im scared what happens if im pregnant? do i got to the hospital? i had sex about 2 months ago and i had my period normall last month ugh

  107. Most gynecologists recommend home pregnancy tests as a first line step to evaluate pregnancy, but hte health of that pregnancy can only be evaluated by medical examination.

  108. Hello. I've had the mirena for about two years and the past few months my periods have been a few days early but this month my period hasn't come yet and I am a week late. I had cramps a couple days before my period was supposed to start like I always do and occasional cramps during the time my period was supposed to be. I am hoping this isn't a sign of pregnancy. Can my periods just be stopping now?

  109. Menstrual cycle changes on the Mirena can last a couple of weeks, up to 3 months. The type of bleeding pattern cannot confirm efficacy, placement, nor pregnancy. These have to be evaluated by an office call with your health care provider.

  110. Hello I have 8 months with my mirena iud since it was inserted my period was regular but this month I.have not had my.period had one day of light spot but just like 30minutes then it went away took a.pregnancy test and it comes out negative and have a bad backache can I be pregnant?? I been late 2 weeks

  111. If I have regular period n pregnancy test come back negative but my stomach knots up like something inside n I get cramps what do that mean? Im a having miscarriage?

  112. I have the iud mirena for 4 years now, and I have had my period on june 16 with bloating , lower back pain and cramps now to this date june 29 I still have lower back pain really bad and cramps , is this normal???

  113. Hello.. I have had paragard for about 2 1/2 years...I had my normal period about 2 weeks about and this past Saturday I started randomly bleeding. I continued to spot the next day so I decided to take a pregnancy test just to rule that out before making a call to my doctor since I had just gotten off my period.... The test along with 4 others came back I went and saw my dr yesterday and they did blood work which also came back possitve with my PH levels at 35ml so he said I'm very early in pregnancy (if not miscarrying) and in a normal case wouldn't even know I'm pregnant yet. The vaginal ultrasound was no help bc it's too early to see anything. I'm sti bleeding like a very very light period.. I'm not having to use any pads/tampons but when using the restroom that's when it's hitting. I go back Monday to check if my PH levels are rising or decreasing. I had my IUD removed today but my concern is the bleeding. My question is had it been normal or is it normal to bleed like this when becoming pregnant with paragard. Also by IUD was intact perfectly when I became pregnant. It had Not fallen or shifted at all.

  114. I haven't had a period in about 2 months. I got my IUD skyla put in 7 months ago. I am having pinkish blood, bad cramps I am extremely bloated, and I have been eating a ton. I have been having unprotected sex for 2 months now. Should I be worried about being pregnant?

  115. IUD failure rates are extremely low, but pregnancy is still possible. Early pregnancies get established in a small area of the uterine cavity, Only pregnancy tests and evaluation, not symptoms such as bloating can reliably predict pregnancy. Because the pregnancy is so small when first established it isis thus possible to have a fairly significant amount of bleeding and have the pregnancy continue intact. It is not possible to correlate the amount of bleeding with whether the pregnancy is viable. HCG level testing, examinations, and ultrasounds will reveal whether there is a viable pregnancy developing or not. Heavy bleeding in pregnancy means that you should continue to be evaluated to determine that you have a viable pregnancy and not a miscarriage or a tubal pregnancy.

  116. Hi
    I have the iud mirena since dec/23/14 after the birth of my first baby boy now I had regular periods starting with havey and for the past 2 month regular flow for 3-4 days now this month I have brownish descharge no blood for the past 2 days with no period a lot of cramps and nausea and headache I am still Brest feeding so my Brest are sour I feel pregnant for some reasone can I be?? Never missed a period since the IUD insertion

  117. Now I have a bright red pinkesh spotting with a lot of cramping

  118. Medicated IUDs will result in extremely light or absent menstrual periods. That effect only is seen after some time on the device, during which the uterine lining is atrophying (thinning). There is no specific time sequence. Women who have specific questions will need to see their health care provider for evaluation.

  119. hi ,I have the copper IUD for 5 yrs now this past year and I have had either been bleeding excessively or my periods are late and I kinda know why at times I'm late ,Cus I'm stressed out and my a.d.d symptoms don't make it any easier for me.I do have unprotected sex with my partner .when I'm having sex sometimes it feels as if he pushes the IUD back or the strings feel low and I bleed in between cycles I am very tired lately but it could be my anemia or a.d.d and this period I'm having is in the middle not to heavy the cramps are mild not like other times and my period came early with the smell and reddish orangey color and the smell of blood as when u cut ur arm or finger like iron ,could I be pregnant ? Or is it another serious problm

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. Women who have irregular, heavy, or painful bleeding past the initial adjustment few months on their IUD need clinical evaluation for medical conditions that might be the cause. Some medical conditions that lead to heavier or irregular bleeding on any IUD can be treated, others may require a change in method. The character of the blood seen cannot determine the cause or the need for treatment without an examination. For patients who's partner can feel the strings during sex, those strings can be cut so they are not felt. That requires examination by your health care provider as well.

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. I can sometimes feel the knot in the string of my iud when on my period or during ovulation. The nurse said it's not in my cervix but I think it is sometimes. Can it move? Am I more likely to get pregnant?

  124. I have had Mirena in for 2 ish years now, the last few weeks have been feeling "pregnant". Took 5 HPT's all with faint positives....Back pain and a ball on my right abdomen. I was on prednisone for my Crohn's disease and Doc's give it to ladies who miscarry to help the embryo implant.....Doctors apt isn't until next week, checked to see if strings were still in place and out popped the IUD in my hand......Now I have spotting but no cramping or clots....Suggestions?

  125. Women with confusing urine pregnancy tests should notify their health care provider to see if a blood pregnancy test is indicated.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I have the Mirena in and did a early prector yest faint line positive. Blood test showed negative. I just wanted to know of I could be. Had mirena for 2 years. I have 2 children so I know the feeling. I haven't got a period since I had the Mirena in. I have to wait two weeks as doctor wants to retest. But I'm feaking out. As I had the Mirena put in so I wouldn't get pregnant

  126. You are more likely to become pregnant if an IUD is not properly placed, we suggest our patients have a confirmatory ultrasound if there is a question of placement.

  127. Women who check their strings do not move the IUD, but if a woman were to physically tug on the strings it is possible to move the IUD and this is not recommended. If a woman has concerns regarding her IUD placement she should see her health care provider.

  128. I got the Mirena September 2014 after my 3rd child I had a "period" last month but didn't need to use anything I took a test came out negative.....this month I wiped pink and that was it I had sex and had brown blood with mucus the morning after nothing since....should I be worried?

  129. Bleeding patterns on IUDs, especially the Mirena or Liletta progesterone IUDs, do not signal that the IUD is ineffective. New users will often experience abnormal bleeding patterns. Most health care providers will not have their patients running pregnancy tests when expected early irregular bleeding is occurring soon after insertion. But for specific advice it's important to ask your own health care provider.

  130. Hi I have been on the skyla iud since June 2015 I had a cycle in June 15-19 then another one started June 28 and lasted 13 days.. I have had a regular one since up until this month I'm 6 days late on my cycle my not spotting. I have had discharge that has been clear with no smell. I have had cramps in my stomach and lower back for about two weeks off and on. I have been extremely nauseous and dizzy. I took a pregnancy at home test on Tuesday and it was negative but nothing has changed.. I wanted to know is there anyway possible that I could be pregnant?

  131. Also I had sex before ovulation about 24 hrs before..

  132. Home pregnancy tests are very reliable, but for someone with persistent symptoms of pregnancy with an IUD a physical exam and blood testing may be indicated and you should seek consultation with your current gynecologist.

  133. Although ectopic pregnancies are rare, they are much more successfully treated with early diagnosis, and it's important not to just rely on statistical likelihood of an ectopic when you find out you are pregnant with an IUD, but see your health care provider to help get an accurate diagnosis and therapy if necessary.

  134. I have had the mirena since January 2015 the past 4 months have been weird I had a normal period in august didn't have one in September in October I spotted for 10 days and now it's November and I only had pinkish to brown spotting I took a pregnancy test it came back with a faint line could I be pregnant

  135. I am using copper iud for about 5 years and now an 5 weeks pregnant. the pregnancy is near corneal wall. but my iud cannot be removed, now i am having a little bleeding(not spotting) n am using antibiotics as my doctor says there may be infection but is the bleeding normal as my doctor says my pregnancy is threatened pregnancy, am so worried

  136. Pregnancies can continue safely with an IUD in the uterus, although it is more ideal if the IUD can be removed when the unplanned pregnancy is diagnosed. Bleeding in early pregnancy is a sign of miscarriage or infection, but more typically a possible impending miscarriage. It is the possibility of miscarriage that has given this condition the medical term "threatened abortion." Close medical supervision, as the reader describes, is what is the safest for this pregnancy and the patient.

  137. I have had the Mirena for almost 2 years and last week I took a early prector pregnancy test and showed faint line positive. I went to doctor same day to get a blood test done and it came back negative. Does this me not pregnant? I ha e to go back in too weeks to redo the rest. I have read and heard alot of people had they same and was pregnant. I have all the symptoms. Reason for the test was leaking boob. I didn't breast feed my youngest. Please can one give advice as if I am or not. How far along g do you have to be for the blood test to pick up you are. And if you pregnant in your tubes will the blood test pick it up? I had the Mirena put in as I was told I couldn't be able to fall pregnant.

    1. Carry on of post I haven't had a period since I put the Mirena in
      So can't tell you I missed a period

  138. Home pregnancy tests are very accurate, but generally the blood tests are the most accurate. It is possible to have an early positive test followed by a negative test, whether blood or in urine, that is from an extremely early pregnancy loss. Healthy pregnancies have rising HCG levels, problem pregnancy have stable or persistent HCG levels, and either you were never pregnant or have a resolved pregnancy if the level is negative and stays negative. Check this post;postID=8544020161717437525;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=link

  139. Absence of menstrual bleeding is one important sign of pregnancy, but bleeding, especially irregularly doesn't rule out that you could be pregnant. Visiting the gynecologist, getting pregnancy tests, and/or getting a pelvic ultrasound would be needed to confirm a diagnosis. We are accepting new patients.

  140. Healthy pregnancies double their HCG blood test levels approximately every 48 hours. It is possible to get a repeat test in 2-3 days and help determine if the pregnancy is progressing normally. If a woman has no pain, no heavy bleeding, and no other conditions her physician is watching, waiting 2 weeks for repeat testing is often a very appropriate recommendation.

  141. I'm almost at 6 years with my Mirena and I have sore breasts, sensitive nipples, bloating, cravings, mood swings, the whole nine yards. But the at home tests all say negative. My Dr wants me to remove the IUD ASAP, but the GYNO needs proof of pregnancy with blood work. Could it all really be hormones messing up? Its been 3 weeks since my breasts were sore and now I'm spotting slightly. I hate having to wait to see if we can be excited or worried.

    1. I've also not had periods, or at the most spotting the whole time. So a missed period is not a go to indicator

  142. I had sex 6 days after I had the Skyla IUD put in, they said to wait 7 days to have Un protected sex. Me an my boyfriend have been together awhile. I am worried I could be pregnant since I didn't wait the extra day.

  143. Skyla should actually work right away, however the package insert says that women should consult their individual physician regarding recommendations as to when the Skyla can be relied upon for contraception. I cannot say by blog what your physician had in mind. Most gynecologists would advocate doing a pregnancy test if you miss your next period.

    1. My next period won't be till next month but I have been spotting since I had it put in last Monday.

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  145. Hi I have had my copper iud since 10 months my periods are always regular. But this month it's late almost 7days still no symptoms of having it. I tested with home pregnancy kit early morning three times every alternate day but all came negative. Am I pregnant? Is it not showing in test? Wat could be the reason for delay? I am completely stressed... Plz help .

  146. Hi I have had my copper iud since 10 months my periods are always regular. But this month it's late almost 7days still no symptoms of having it. I tested with home pregnancy kit early morning three times every alternate day but all came negative. Am I pregnant? Is it not showing in test? Wat could be the reason for delay? I am completely stressed... Plz help .

  147. Menstrual cycles do vary in the population, and there is a huge variety of reasons a woman may have an abnormal menstrual cycle. Ultimately if a cycle is delayed, a woman has a negative pregnancy test, the menstrual cycle comes and she has her cycle, she's very likely healthy and no testing needs to be done. A copper IUD itself should not distort the timing of a cycle. For those who worry, and cannot sort their symptoms, they have to consult their own physician.

  148. Hello. I am 19 years old and have had my Skyla in for close to 2.5 years now. At first, my periods were heavier, but after the first few months they went back to normal and have remained fairly regular since (I haven't missed a period to date). About a month ago I experienced slight spotting of a pinkish/light light red color. Since then, I've been experiencing random nausea at about the same time each evening but no vomiting. I have had frequent urination, crazy mood swings (more so than a period), light to medium cramping, nipple tenderness, and have been enjoying foods i normally don't like (such as spicy foods which i normally can't stand and red meat which i normally NEVER eat but have recently been wanting to eat every day haha). My partner has "jokingly" asked me a couple times if I'm pregnant but I've brushed him off. I am now 21 days late on my period but when i was 8 days late, i took a test and it came out negative. Should I trust the test and assume stress is causing all this or test again?

  149. Although food choices do change in pregnancy, the fact that a woman is craving foods unusual for her to desire is not an accurate sign of pregnancy. Pregnancy tests are widely available and accurate, and should be used whenever there is a suspicion of pregnancy. Changing menstrual cycles, by the same token should be evaluated by your health care provider. We are accepting new patients at

  150. I have had a period since i gave birth in dec 2015. I got the mirena march 5 2016 and had a period march and april. I have yet to have a period this month. I am so tired irritable and not feeling good also last two days have been having brown discharge never had that before a period ever. I just want to know if its the side effects of mirena or whats going on.

  151. Medicated IUDs like the Mirena and Liletta can cause irregular spotting or bleeding after insertion. This pattern typically ceases after three months. The two common causes of prolonged bleeding are IUD dislodgement (which can be checked by examination) or infection (which can be tested for as well). It's important to get checked if you have prolonged bleeding with your IUD, which the brown discharge probably is. And while waiting to be checked try to be less irritable through some natural means such as accupressure, yoga, exercise, better rest.

  152. Hello,
    I have had my Skyla IUD since July (almost a year) when i was suppose to start period i got 4 days worth of brown discharge only when i wipe ive been having pain on my right side (lower abdomen)off and on and some pregnancy symptoms. i took a pregnancy test last night it was negative. But still continue to have symptoms of either PMS or Pregnancy, my question is should these symptoms have subsided as my period finished or if the symptoms continue it could very well be pregnancy with a faults positive.

  153. Hello,
    I have had my Skyla IUD since July (almost a year) when i was suppose to start period i got 4 days worth of brown discharge only when i wipe ive been having pain on my right side (lower abdomen)off and on and some pregnancy symptoms. i took a pregnancy test last night it was negative. But still continue to have symptoms of either PMS or Pregnancy, my question is should these symptoms have subsided as my period finished or if the symptoms continue it could very well be pregnancy with a faults positive.

    1. NOTE: from post above May 25 2016 sorry it is suppose to say with a faults negative*. i also forgot to mention that in March i completely missed my period, in April did get a period but it was light and then this month May is the month that i reference above

  154. Hi, I have had my Paragard IUD since October 16th where I have constantly bled heavily (with maybe a few breaks in between but not long. But the last time I bled it lasted about 8 weeks starting around April 9th. It just ended sometime between the 4th and the 8th of June I can't exactly pinpoint it. But lately I have been feeling off. I have frequent urination, slightly enlarged breasts, heartburn, slight nausea and have had a few instances where I had VERY light spotting (which is what happened when I found out I was pregnant with our 17 month old daughter. I have taken two tests one being about 4 or 5 days ago and both were negative. My husband and I also had an incident on the 16th of June where he "ripped/punctured" his penis. We had to go to the ER because he was bleeding everywhere. I figured he may have punctured it on my IUD because it had moved and maybe be the cause of a pregnancy. I'm not quite sure. Could it be possible to be pregnant and still have a negative test? I want to go to find out for sure but I'm so worried that they will treat me like I'm an idiot mostly because you're not supposed to become pregnant while an IUD is inserted. Could it have been too early to test?

  155. IUD strings are very soft and not a likely cause of damage to a penis. Although pregnancy tests are very accurate, blood testing is more accurate and for most home tests you do need to be 2 weeks after conception to test positive. Non-medicated IUD can increase the amount of bleeding on a menstrual period it shouldn't be the cause of irregular bleeding and you should seek consultation with a gynecologist.

  156. This comment has been removed by the author.

  157. Pregnancy risks with an IUD are not able to be calculated unless you can determine the exact position of the IUD, and have your OB-Gyn determine if it should be removed. The risks with the IUD left in place include miscarriage, infection, uterine perforation, and preterm delivery. Is is not thought that a pregnancy with an IUD will have a risk for a birth defect. For women with any on going medical problem (in the reader's case it is MS), if a pregnancy is planned most OBs would recommend stopping or modifying any medication you take. It is always important to have an early prenatal visit in the cases of advanced maternal age (over 35), pregnancy conceived while on contraception, pregnancy with co-existing medical problems or gynecologic problems such as bleeding, or in the case of grand multiparity (greater or equal to 5 live births); so it sounds like you need a personal consultation. Good luck with your pregnancy.

  158. I had got my IUD back in 2013 and it is ten years active Im needing to know I been having pregnancy signs nausea cramping heads and breast tenderness but I'm still having my periods that doesn't sound normal to me I have took pregnancy test they have came out negative and I have spoken to a doctor they never did a pregnancy test could I be pregnant?!

  159. Women with nausea and cramping and breast tenderness could be pregnant, they could have PMS, or they could have a variety of other syndromes. A pregnancy test is going to determine if you are pregnant. A negative home test and a menstrual period on time it is less likely that you are, in fact, pregnant.

  160. I had the ParaGard IUD inserted in July of 2015 after coming off of the Depo Provera shot. With the Depo I had no bleeding or periods whatsoever. When I got the ParaGard I started bleeding an continued for almost an entire year, stopping abruptly the 15th of this month, 5 days shy of exactly a year with the ParaGard in place. Upon stopping bleeding I also developed breast tenderness. My first thought was pregnancy, so I took a HPT and also a blood test from my gyno, they both came back negative. I also had a transvaginal ultrasound to make sure the IUD is positioned correctly and it is fine. What are the chances I am pregnant and it is too early to tell?

    1. Still waiting for a response. I would appreciate some input or other similar stories. Anyone?

  161. I have had the Paragard for 5 years I have been having periods regularly on the 18th well July 18th no period July 21st had light brown spotting, then more on the 22nd. Well 23rd nothing but discharge so today spotting is back. I took home test it was negative so I don't think I'm pregnant but the spotting start about 6-7 days after last sexual encounter and is super abnormal for me. I also have just been feeling horrible I've been feeling nauseous, headache, sleepy, back pain, dizzy and a little mood. What could be going on and should I wait a while or could something be wrong. Oh Also my strings have been missing for 3 years but ob said it's ok.

  162. Missing strings from an IUD are most likely not a medical concern, although it is important to check with your own physician. It is most likely the strings were just cut short enough so they have curled up inside the cervix or the uterus. Spotting may be an sign of early pregnancy, and you could run a pregnancy test to be sure. Fatigue may be due to a number of conditions that are very common such as poor diet, lack of sleep, nutritional deficiencies, or simply a viral illness.

  163. To Worried, please see your provider. Irregular bleeding triggered by coming off the DepoProvera is not uncommon, but it is uncommon to last a year. It is also possible you are now pregnant since you do have pregnancy symptoms. If you have questions about the accuracy of pregnancy tests you should read the posts we have about that, and read the package insert on the pregnancy tests as well.

  164. Hello...I am very concern I have 3 children and I got the paragard 6 weeks after I had my youngest child... I have had it for 4 years concern is that im have all signs of pregnancy from headaches nausea morning sickness constipation also also 2 or so weeks late on my period... I have took home pregnancy test and they came out negative and im schedule to see my doctor next week im just needing some input do think there a possibility that im pregnant?

  165. I've had Mirena since Mar 2015. On Monday my husband and I had sex. Later that evening I started bleeding a little and just assumed it was my period since it is about that time. It is hard to track my period, since I started Mirena, because sometimesit come early or late. I only bled a little that night and have bleed since. Could I be pregnant? I know it's too early for a home test.

  166. Bleeding when you have a medicated IUD is not a reliable sign of pregnancy, you need to do a pregnancy test in a couple of weeks if you still suspect you are pregnant.

  167. I have had the Mirena IUD for 8 months now. I have had severe double over cramps lately. I have never got a period while on Mirena. But I'm bleeding and have odd discharge that I've never had before. I have a ton of pregnancy symptoms. I have a positive pregnancy test. I'm extremely worried.

  168. Women with a positive pregnancy test and bleeding have a condition known as threatened abortion. Without examination it is unclear if the pregnancy, especially in the case of an IUD, is actually located in the uterus or the fallopian tube. Women with an IUD and a positive pregnancy test need prompt medical attention. We are seeing new patients at

  169. I had a copper IUD inserted at the tail end of December of 2016. I am a female, 30 years old. Before getting the IUD my periods were starting to become extremely erratic-I went nearly three months without getting one at one point last year. This, however, is not unusual for me. I have always had heavy, erratic, painful periods. I took birth control pills (Tri Sprintec) sporadically throughout 2015 and 2016 but I would frequently forget to take them and have to start over or throw away a pack. I went on a different brand of hormonal birth control (Lo Loestrin Fe) and stayed on it for almost two months in October 2016, the kind of pill i used stopped my period. I was not pregnant when I got the IUD, but my period had not returned either. I got the copper coil when I was not menstruating and I remember being stunned when I saw an enormous glob of blood on the sheet after it was put in. The NP had to try three times to get it in but she did on the last time.

    I had a normal period in January (I don't know if the bleeding I experienced in January was my period but I assume it was as it lasted long enough), February, March and April. My periods were pretty much regular for the past four months, which is unusual, but a welcome change for me. This May, I expected my menstrual but it has not shown up. When I should have had my period, all I experienced was thick brown spotting for about three days followed by about two of lighter brown spotting, like mucus almost (sorry if TMI). I am terrified because my boyfriend and I had an accident in April after my last period had ended. We normally also use a withdrawal method but we were both rather drunk. Now I am about 7 days late and I am freaking out. I have taken about five or six HPT's and all are negative, I also had a test at a planned parenthood clinic (urine) that was also negative. I am not having any kind of pregnancy symptoms except for feeling disoriented and dizzy and forgetful (running into walls, more spaced out than usual) and occasional minor cramping. I am cramping right now and it feels like someone or something is lightly stabbing the right side of my abdomen.

    Neither I nor my boyfriend want children. Not now, not ever. I am afraid I am pregnant and if I am I have no choice but to terminate. What is scaring me is that I have missed a period and the brown spotting. I fear that this will be an ectopic pregnancy. I have a doctors appointment on Friday and I will be demanding a blood test. The last thing I need is to find out too late to terminate a potential pregnancy.

    I am hoping that this is my cycle re-adjusting itself or that I am just late. Fingers crossed I get my menstrual soon, the anxiety is killing me. I also may double up and use a form of hormonal bc (damn) along with the IUD if I prove to not be pregnant (please god no). I hope that the IUD is doing it's job.

  170. The thread of the IUD do disappear anytime am having sex bt I do see it again after like 2 or 3 days,is there any chance I can get pregnant

  171. Strings that you temporarily cannot feel post intercourse is a relatively common condition and not necessarily an indication that there is a problems.

  172. So I have had the mirena for almost four years now and I have never missed a period but I did this month I took three home pregnancy test and they all came back positive so I went to the ob yesterday and ultrasound didn't see anything but my mirena was lodged into my cervix so we removed that and took another pee test at the clinic and it too came back positive so did blood work should hear something back from them tomorrow some time and go back next week to check my levels again and if it goes up I will be having a baby but if it goes down I will be looking for a miscarriage??

    1. If you are pregnant in the uterus, and have had an an IUD removed in this pregnancy, it will be up to your obstetrical care provider to help you determine if the pregnancy is healthy enough to continue. In most cases it will be.

  173. The LH increase triggers ovulation which is when the egg is released periodically from Normal fertile women. pregnancy pillow

  174. Hi, i have the mirena iud and have had it for almost 4 years. The last 2 weeks i have been having pregnancy symptoms. Nausea/vomitting, abdominal cramping, sleepyness/tired, headaches, back aches, nipples sore, frequent urination, and eating more frequently/less amount at one time. I took two hpt with one coming back with a faint positive and one a negative. Went to the dr and had 4 more tests done all with faint positive. Had blood work done and it was negative. I honestly believe i may be pregnant, but was just wondering if it could be something else and what?

  175. All of the 'symptoms' of early pregnancy are caused by changing hormones. If you have the symptoms, and you are not pregnant, there may be another hormonal reason that you are experiencing these things and we would suggest you come in to be evaluated. For some women salivary hormone testing can reveal hormonal imbalances.


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